Discovering Life

By their very nature the finer things in life can be time-consuming to source.

Discovering Life brings together a collection of these rare products, services and experiences in one place.

Many made a little finer with preferential rates and added value exclusively negotiated for members.

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Rooted in nature, powered by science & technology...

At ALBIVA we create Next Generation products that are results driven and science-led using the latest technology‚ without any compromise to the quality and purity of ingredients. Our sophisticated and advanced complexes are created in a way that maximises the therapeutic benefits of their component ingredients.

Gemmotherapy extracts and plant based nutrients activate the skin's natural ability to repair itself.

Suspended in organic, anti-oxidant raspberry water, our optimised formulas offer multi-functional performance. This means each product delivers myriad of benefits so that you need to buy fewer products, which in turn reduces waste and ensures less natural resources are utilised. Because minimalist skincare doesn't mean minimal ingredients. Discover our numerous plant-based actives that support your skin's natural power of renewal.

We would love to hear from you.

Our ALBIVA Customer Services representatives are available to help you Mon-Fri, 9am - 5pm. We aim to reply within one working day. If you have a question to ask, you may find your answer in the FAQ.

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